
Friday, October 16, 2015

Friday Wrap Up

Well, I was late on the draw today. My errands ran a little a lot longer than I intended. But hey, it is Friday! Yeah for that. The weather is wonderful, this week went pretty well. I am feeling good.

Things that I am loving right now/what is on my mind:

1. Snapchat and Periscope: I am sad it took me this long to jump in. I totally felt really old for awhile during the introductory period but now I am hooked. Both are really fun and I cannot wait to see how they grow and develop.

2. Christmas cards: I do not condone CELEBRATING anything related to Christmas yet (no Christmas musIc), however, some elements of Christmas take planning and I am all about getting ahead of the crowd. I am debating what to do this year. Both Persnickety Prints and Artifacts Uprising have some cute options. What do you think?

3. Painting my nails: I go through spurts where I am very diligent about keeping my nails painted and not biting them. I have been a nail biter my whole life and I am trying to stop. I did really well for about four weeks then for some reason I started again. Usually, it coincides with my stress level. During finals I had no nails. I am on a good nail painting kick and I am hoping that it will translate into nice, healthy, non-bitten nails. We shall see. For now, I am just enjoying the pretty new polish.

Have a great weekend!

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