
Friday, September 30, 2016

Two Surprises

This is turning in a season of change for a our little family. We found out that we are expecting twins! Needless to say, we are shocked and excited but mostly excited. This whole pregnancy was a big surprise but throwing multiples into the mix has made it extra crazy.
I am so thankful that I am past the first trimester. I can get pretty nauseated and drained during those first thirteen weeks. Around week 10 I start wondering if the nausea will ever end or if my motivation will ever come back. Pretty dramatic, I know, but I blame it on the hormones. Thankfully, it doesn't fail that around week fourteen the symptoms start to subside. I am so happy to be able to eat well again even if it means I am eating non-stop every waking hour. Being ravenously hungry is much better than being hungry but wanting to throw up at the same time.
The biggest change on the horizon, other than the expansion of our family, is that I will quitting my part time job. This is a pretty big deal for me and definitely will be the subject of a later post. As some one who loves working and loves learning, this is was a big decision but it wasn't hard to make. I know that my most ambitious self could not pull off working part time and taking care of 3 under 2 (yes, our other baby won't even be two years old when they are born. Pray for me.) I think it was God's way of taking the decision out of my hands. I am very at peace with it, but like I said, I will get further into the discussion at a later date. Right now, I am just enjoying the process and spending too much time on Pinterest looking at nursery inspiration.

Have a great weekend!

1 comment:

  1. Very excited for you Joanna. And I think staying home is a great decision, though I'm sure there will be mixed emotions! Looking forward to watching the journey.
